Olivia Walker
Editor in Chief
Dan Mitchell
Assistant Manager
Noah Patterson
Programming Editor
Tess Anderson
Art Director
Please take note of the following information:
According to Professor Arney (2018), these award-winning resources represent a significant shift in practice. They are delivered to organizations through a two-day in-person course, followed by a one-day coaching session eight weeks later, totalling three days.
Participants will receive a resource bundle that includes an assessment manual, a set of visual resources (Strength and Concerns Cards), and a sample report, all at no extra cost. They will also have access to electronic resources, including the interactive Final Report Template.
The training is interactive, engaging, and stimulating. After completion, workers will have the necessary skills, knowledge, and tools to work in a trauma-informed, culturally sensitive, and collaborative manner. This will enable workers and family members to share their experiences and develop collaborative action plans to address concerns and needs to help children and families succeed.
The follow-up coaching day, scheduled eight weeks later, will provide opportunities to review the initial training, share practice insights, and refine the process of conducting assessments and writing competency-based trauma-informed reports in plain English, empowering family members.
As part of Winangay's ongoing commitment to building capacity, organizations will be asked to demonstrate their competence in conducting competency-based trauma-informed and culturally respectful assessments. This evidence can be drawn from completed reports and feedback from family members.
Learning Outcomes:
Examine the historical and current impacts of previous child welfare policies on Aboriginal families and communities.
Understand Aboriginal children's, families', and communities' experiences and contributions to the assessment process.
Review evidence-based approaches for assessing Aboriginal families and caregivers.
Use plain language to empower families, ensuring they understand the assessment process and can fully participate.
Learn through observation and direct application using visual resources and cues designed to enable all families to drive and participate in the assessment process.
Develop collaborative action plans to address identified needs, concerns, and worries, promoting family strengths and resilience while ensuring the safety, belonging, and permanency of children.
Strengthen analytical skills using a thorough methodology drawing on evidence to determine with families whether they can keep their children safe and meet their needs.
Promote Aboriginal self-determination by actively involving Aboriginal Elders, community leaders, and service providers in supporting families and identifying family strengths and resources.
The training provides multiple opportunities to model strength-based, trauma-informed, and culturally respectful practice, emphasizing deep listening and promoting recognition, relationships, healing, and recovery at every step.
What we have developed
These evidenced based, trauma informed, strength based, and culturally safe resources are accessible via training by Winangay Accredited Facilitators. The Winangay training reflect the strengths of the Winangay tools and approaches, the training is evidenced based, strength based, trauma informed and culturally safe and is designed to enable workers to work in stronger safer ways with Aboriginal Kids, Families and Communities.
Cultural Immersion Training
Keeping Aboriginal Kids with Family
Aboriginal Provisional Care Assessment Tool
Aboriginal Kinship Care Assessment Tool
KiDs SAY Resources
Aboriginal Foster Care Assessments
Aboriginal Carer Review Assessment
Aboriginal Restoration Assessment Tools
Winangay Aboriginal Tools
Winangay General Population Tools
Keeping Kids with Family
Provisional/Temporary Kinship Carer Assessment Tool
Kinship Care Assessment Tool
Carer Review Assessment
KiDs SAY Resources
Foster Care Assessments
Restoration Assessment Tools