Olivia Walker
Editor in Chief

Dan Mitchell
Assistant Manager
Noah Patterson
Programming Editor
Tess Anderson
Art Director

Career Opportunities
Train the Trainer
Workers who use the tool must have attended a familiarisation training workshop delivered by facilitators who are accredited Winangay trainers.
It is anticipated that workers who use this package are Aboriginal and have a good understanding of:
The impact of colonisation on Aboriginal history, in particular, the impact of previous child welfare practices and policies on Aboriginal peoples.
The impacts of intergenerational trauma historically and in the present context.
The ongoing impacts of poverty and exclusion on Aboriginal people and communities.
The particular challenges facing Aboriginal carers, the issues for Aboriginal kids in care and the complexities which can arise for kids and carer.
Workers should have an understanding of the importance of Aboriginal kids being raised (where possible) with family, kin and community and a commitment to the Aboriginal Placement Principles.
Workers should have a demonstrated track record of working in strength based, trauma informed culturally safe ways.
Workers need to be able to work in strength based cross cultural ways with non-Aboriginal staff and model ways of dealing with diversity and difference in ways which build understanding and capacity in non-Aboriginal staff.
Workers need to work with Aboriginal people in respectful ways which build confidence, capacity, autonomy and create opportunities for them.
Trainers trained to deliver the Winangay Training need to be of high quality with:
Advanced training skills.
Significant experience in using the Winangay tools in fostering and/or kinship.
Commitment to the underpinning values and demonstrated competency in applying the Winangay (SCOPE model), trauma informed are, rights based. practice and social justice principles (including UN declarations – child, disability and indigenous peoples).
Strong ongoing relationships with Aboriginal workers and carers (as vouched for by either Elders or Aboriginal workers).
Demonstrated cultural awareness and respectful practice.
An ability to communicate effectively with Aboriginal people and establish a safe and flexible training environment which allows people to feel culturally safe and confident to learn and try new ways and approaches
An appreciation that those attending training may have had personal experience of trauma and intergenerational trauma and the ability to respond sensitively and effectively in the training.
Be skilled in managing difficult questions, responses, statements and behaviour using strength-based approaches without shame and blame.
Have developed a respectful relationship with the Winangay team and have the ongoing confidence of the Winangay team. So that they can demonstrate the values and approach of the Winangay team in the training environment.
Participants wishing to be trainers will need to:
Have completed the initial Winangay Training with a Winangay accredited trainer.
Have attended the Winangay mentoring sessions.
Have completed at least five but preferably eight reports and be able to provide evidence of their cultural competence e.g., feedback sheet from carer, Aboriginal workers feedback, feedback for Aboriginal Elder
Have completed a series of questions about their experience and understanding of the sector, Aboriginal kids in care and use of the Winangay tools and approach
Be willing to demonstrate their competence and experience in a real or simulated situation
Have referees reports from key Aboriginal people and their manager
Have completed the Winangay Train the trainer program.
Sign a licensing and accreditation agreement (including a code of conduct)
Maintain currency in conducting assessments and training others.